448 Donald Street

Bedford, NH 03110


Why Choose a Catholic Cemetery?

When we are baptized, we are brought to a sacred place, a Catholic church, and baptized into the mystery of Christ's death and resurrection - thus giving us the promise of eternal life. When one of our loved ones die, we take them to another sacred place, a Catholic cemetery, for burial in sacred ground while they await the resurrection of the dead and the promise of eternal life.

Since death is a natural part of life, it is only fitting that the Catholic Church be present at the time of death. Death as seen through the eyes of a Christian is not the end; it is simply a natural passageway to a changed life with God. Burial in a Catholic cemetery is a statement of continued belief in that everlasting life, even in death.

Cemeteries hold the earthly remains of our family members and friends who have shared their love, fellowship and faith with us. A grave in a Catholic cemetery is also a sign of hope in God and His promise of everlasting life.


Resurrection of the Dead

For more than two thousand years, Christians have celebrated the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

After Jesus was taken down from the cross His body was prepared and He was placed in a grave called the Holy Sepulchre. As Catholics we profess each Sunday that we look forward to the resurrection of the dead! But have you ever thought about that place where you will rise?

Since 1848 St. Joseph Cemetery has provided a sacred burial place for those who have died and await the resurrection from the dead.


Consecrated Grounds

Many people wonder what makes a Catholic cemetery different from any other cemetery. In short, Catholic cemetery grounds are consecrated. These sacred grounds are an extension of the Catholic Church. They are reverent and prayerful places adorned with Christian symbols, monuments, and structures that make visitation a holy and serene experience. Choosing to be buried in a Catholic cemetery is a way of remaining surrounded by the faith and members of the Church even in death. Most importantly, Catholic cemeteries are reminders of the promise of the resurrection. We hear about this promise in the Gospel of John: “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me will never die” (John 11:25-26).

As Catholics, we know that death is not the final destination. Instead, death is a transition to an even greater awakening that can only be realized in the presence of God.


For we are buried together with Him by baptism into death; that as Christ is risen from the dead by the glory of the Father,

so we also may walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death,

we shall be also in the likeness of His resurrection.  ~Romans 6:4-5


Providing Traditional Catholic Burials since 1848

We live our lives in faith so it only makes sense that we conclude our lives in faith as well. St. Joseph Cemetery follows the Catholic Church teachings and traditions to insure that the faithful receive an affordable and proper Catholic burial on consecrated ground.

 Pre-planning Arrangements

Peace of mind is an extraordinary gift. It is also hard to achieve in time of sorrow. Many families now prepare well in advance of the time of need, and so give one another this gift. Pre-planning provides emotional and financial security. It reflects your wishes and does not burden your loved ones with tough decisions at a time of grieving and loss.

Our cemetery serves to give families a place to grieve, preserves history, and lifts the spirits with its natural beauty. As a Catholic cemetery, it also serves three distinct purposes:

  • To call the Living to pray for the salvation of souls - the eternal happiness of the dead.
  • To sanctify the resting places of the faithful departed, who await the resurrection of their bodies and reunion with us in Christ Jesus.
  • To focus the hearts and minds of the living on the Glory of God made manifest in the lives of those "who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith." 

If you are paying for cemetery services, you may do so by clicking here to get to our giving platform.

When you click over, choose, "Saint Joseph Cemetery Services" from the list of available funds.

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