Liturgical Ministries

Some roles in the Liturgy are exercised by lay people who place their time and talent at the service of the liturgical assembly as acolytes (altar servers), lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, cantors, choir members, instrumentalists, leaders of song, and ushers. Others contribute their time and talent to planning and organizing the Liturgy; to keeping the church and the vestments, vessels, and appointments clean and well ordered; or to providing decorations that reflect the spirit of the liturgical feast or season. This variety of offices and roles is desirable and should be maintained. It is desirable that individuals function in roles of service at Mass.

If you are interested in serving during the liturgy, or if you would like to learn more about the various opportunities to serve, please speak with Father Jason or call the parish office.

Altar Server

Altar servers have the great honor of assisting in the most sacred event that takes place on earth: the celebration of the most holy Mass. It is right and just, therefore, that altar servers prepare themselves in mind, heart, and body in order to worthily serve our Lord. We especially encourage boys and young men to serve at Mass in order to open their hearts and souls to a possible vocation to the priesthood. Volunteers should be high school aged or older. The sacrament of First Holy Communion is a pre-requisite. 


"When the Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself is speaking to his people, and Christ, present in his own word, is proclaiming the gospel. The readings of God's word must therefore be listened to by all with reverence; they make up a principal element of the liturgy. In the biblical readings, God's word addresses all people of every era and is understandable to them, and a fuller understanding and efficacy are fostered by a living commentary on it, that is to say, by the homily, understood as an integral part of the liturgical action." (GIRM 29)

Lectors should be adults who have a love of God's Word, a clear speaking voice, the ability to project while reading, and are comfortable with public speaking.

Greeters and Ushers

Greeters and ushers play a vital role in the process of the Liturgy. To every person who walks in the doors of the church, they are the face of Christ. Ushers and greeters are the first person seen and make parishioners and guests feel welcome and at home; they can create a warm, well-organized environment from the moment the participant walks through the doors, helping to prepare the person to enter more deeply into the beautiful sacrifice that is the Mass.

The Church needs greeters and ushers who are compassionate, outgoing, and willing to facilitate a positive transition for Mass participants, signifying to Church-goers that the sacred space that they have just entered is different than any other place they have visited over the course of the past week.

Greeters and ushers should be comfortable in meeting and greeting both regular parishioners and visitors alike. 


The Sacristan is responsible for the maintenance of altar cloths used in the preparation of the altar for Holy Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Duties include washing, starching, ironing, sewing, wax removal and light cleaning.

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