Parish Life - Adult Groups

Trinity House Community

Meet up with other families for fellowship & support in building a faith-filled home.  Our evenings include dinner and fellowship, parent presentation and small group discussion and fellowship and dessert. Watch the bulletin for dates.

Learn more at

RSVP for our next event HERE

Knights of Columbus Council #92

We are Catholic men who lead, serve, protect and defend. We share a desire to be better husbands, fathers, sons, neighbors and role models and to put charity and community first.

The council meets on Monday evenings in the parish hall.

Daughters of Isabella

St Anthony Circle #1374

Catholic women ages16+in Manchester, NH who meet in sisterhood, on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, at St Joseph Cathedral for spiritual enrichment, charity and fun. The Order of the Daughters of Isabella is a fraternal organization of Catholic women founded on the principle of its motto: Unity, Friendship and Charity. We demonstrate our commitment to God’s people by actively living our faith and by being positive influence in our communities. For an application contact our Regent Rachel by


“Believe! If you have the desire, you also have the power to make it happen”

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