A special note for parents of children in Catholic schools and Homeschools
The normal way to receive sacrament preparation in the Roman Catholic Church is to receive the preparation at your home parish. However, we recognize that the very best way for all children to be properly prepared for the reception of the sacraments is to be taught faith and morals from loving parents daily, within the home. If your child attends a Catholic school or is homeschooled, it is likely that your child is receiving sacrament preparation at school and/or at home. We would prefer for all families including families of Catholic schoolers and Homeschoolers to register in our Families of Faith program and to come to our monthly classes. When you come to our Families of Faith classes, you and your children are building a sense of community within our parish, and we are all learning and growing together as families. We have seasoned, faithful catechists teaching both parents and children, so we do hope most families will join our program. However, we do understand that some parents may wish to prepare their children for the sacraments only in the home. If this is the case, please see our policy listed below and fill out the exemption form.
Families of children attending Catholic school:
If your child is receiving religious education at their Roman Catholic school specifically preparing them to receive the sacraments of First Penance, First Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation, and you are working with your child on this preparation in the home as well, then your family may be exempt from our monthly parish classes. The preparation must be on the USCCB approved list of curricula, and specifically for the reception of the sacraments. Please fill out the exemption form found below by September 1st, 2022. It is required that in addition to preparing for sacraments at school and at home, the family (including the child) assist at Holy Mass every Sunday and on all Holy Days.
Homeschooled families:
Homeschooled families who regularly assist at Holy Mass every week and on all Holy Days may be exempt from the parish program. If your child is in 2nd or 3rd grade and you will prepare him to receive the sacraments in the home, please fill out the exemption form on found below by September 1st, 2022.
Please Note: If your child is receiving sacrament preparation through the Catholic school or the homeschool, but intends to receive sacraments at St Joseph Cathedral, he/she is required to attend the mandatory preparation retreats in the Spring of his/her 2nd grade year (for First Penance) and Spring of his 3rd grade year (for Confirmation and First Holy Eucharist) at the parish.
Thank you for your submission.
We will be in touch with you soon.